Grant Information

Total Funding Available
$40M per biennium
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
No Limit
Average Grant Award
Match Requirement
Not Required
RFP Release
January (biennial)
Pre-application Due
Final Application Due
February (biennial)
Skookumchuck River

Streamflow Restoration Grants

Streamflow Restoration Grants support projects to increase water storage capacity, improve fish habitat, acquire water rights, and improve water management and infrastructure. In January 2018, the Legislature passed the Streamflow Restoration law that helps restore streamflow to levels necessary to support robust, healthy, and sustainable salmon populations while providing water for homes in rural Washington. The Legislature intends to authorize $300 million dollars over the course of 15 years to help with implementation of projects that improve streamflow. The funds are available statewide and administered through a competitive grant program. Grant funding will help incentivize state and local agencies, tribal governments, and non-profit organizations to implement local watershed plans and projects. Applications included a variety of projects that aim to improve streamflow, such as, streamflow supplementation, water right acquisitions, water storage, altered water management and infrastructure, watershed function, riparian and fish habitat improvement, environmental monitoring, and feasibility studies.

Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations, State Agencies, Water/Irrigation Districts
Project Types
Planning, Acquisition, Construction, Restoration, Streamflow, Water Storage, Monitoring
Restoration Types
Fish Passage, Floodplain, Habitat (General), Instream, Riparian, Wetlands
Geography/Land Ownership
Washington State