Climate Adaptation Framework
Salmon Habitat in a Changing ClimateRestoration to Resilience
Coast Region Symposium: October 2021
In fall 2021, the Coast Salmon Partnership hosted a scientific symposium that addressed climate impacts on salmon habitat and discussed approaches to habitat restoration that provide resiliency to our coastal rivers and fishes in the face of climate change. Speakers were subject matter experts on climate science, salmon biology, freshwater ecology, and restoration techniques. The workshop highlighted the need to address climate resilience of salmon habitat at different scales, including project design and watershed planning. This input was used to finalize our Climate Adaptation Framework Proposal for the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery Region.
Tribal Remarks on Climate Change and Salmon
Chairman Greene, Makah Tribe Earl Davis, Shoalwater Bay Tribe
Climate Resiliency in the Pacific Northwest
Crystal Raymond, University of Washington Climate Impacts Group
Answers to Participant Questions
Glaciers, Climate Change, Salmon and Steelhead
Matt Sloat, Wild Salmon Center
Climate, Sediment, and Salmon
Scott Anderson, US Geological Survey
Projected Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow
Kiza Gates, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Salmon and Steelhead Thermal Rearing Habitat in a Washington Coast Watershed
John Winkowski, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Answers to Participant Questions
Exposure of Salmon Habitat to Climate Change Impacts in the Washington Coast Region
Ned Pittman, Coast Salmon Partnership
Habitat Restoration Strategies for a Changing Climate
Tim Beechie, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Using Geospatial Data Analysis to Identify and Prioritize Stream Reaches for Restoration of Natural Water and Sediment Storage
Susan Dickerson-Lange, Natural Systems Design
Large River Restoration and Climate Resiliency
Tim Abbe, Natural Systems Design; Bill Armstrong, Quinault Indian Nation; Mike McHenry, Elwha Tribe; Eli Asher, Cowlitz Tribe
The Science Behind the Chehalis Basin Aquatic Species and Restoration Plan
Emelie McKain, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Making Tough Choices: Prioritizing Investment in the Bull Trout Recovery
Chris Allen & Erin Kuttel, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
More Information
Climate Adaptation Framework
Salmon Restoration and Resilience in a Changing Climate
A Guide to ‘Future Proofing’ Salmon Habitat in the Washington Coast Region
Salmon Adaptation for Habitat Restoration
Online Webmap to Support Habitat Project Development
Climate Adaptation & Salmon Habitat
Regional Workshop #1: January 2023Learn more
Climate Resilience Index
Regional Workshop #2: November 2023
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