1983. G.S. Morishima
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Document list sorted by year and title
Age, Growth and Instream Movement of Olympic Peninsula Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Salmo clarki clarki)
1983. H.J. Fuss
Growth, Food Consumption and Production of Cutthroat Trout in Relation to Food Supply and Water Temperature
1983. D. Martin
The Use of Restrictive Regulations in Managing Wild Salmonids in Yellowstone National Park, with Particular Reference to Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarki
1983. J.D. Varley
Status of Chinook Salmon Stocks with Emphasis on Those of Western Washington
1983. E.O. Salo, D.R. Rogers
Elwha River Fall Chinook Salmon
1983. E.L. Brannon, W.K. Hershberger
Coho Salmon Survival from Egg Deposition to Fry Emergence
1983. J.V. Tagart
The Role of Beaver Dams as Coho Salmon Habitat in Southeast Alaska Streams
1983. M.D. Bryant
Trends in Historic Abundance and Present Status of Natural Stocks of North Coastal Washington Coho and Chinook Salmon
1983. W.A. Wood
A Probing Approach for Determining Spawning Escapement Goals for Fall Chinook Salmon on the Washington North Coast
1983. T.D. Cooney
Wall-Base Channels: Their Evolution, Distribution and Use by Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Clearwater River, Washington
1983. N.P. Peterson, L.M. Reid
Juvenile Coho Salmon Fall-Winter Utilization of the Two Small Tributaries of the Clearwater River, Jefferson County, Washington
1983. W.J. Scarlett, C.J. Cederholm
Determining Spawning Excapement Goals for Wild Coho Salmon on the Washington North Coast
1983. L.C. Lestelle, G.S. Morishima, T.D. Cooney
Clearwater River Wild Steelhead Spawning Timing
1983. C.J. Cederholm
Setting Spawner Escapement Goals for Wild Steelhead Populations
1983. T.H. Johnson
Hoh River Steelhead Fishery Management
1983. J. Jorgenson
The Sol Duc River “Native” Winter-Run Steelhead Project
1983. C.J. Cederholm CJ & The Forks Chapter Northwest Steelhead and Salmon Council of Trout Unlimited
Steelhead Management on Vancouver Island
1983. R.S. Hooton
Social Value of Wild Fish
1983. J.T. Martin
An Angling Community in Change
1983. McMillan B
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