1982. J.R. Sedell, P.A. Bisson, J.A. June, R.W. Speaker
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Ecological Research in National Parks of the Pacific Northwest
1982. E.E. Starkey, J.F. Franklin, J.W. Matthews, G.M. Ward, K.W. Cummins, and co-authors.
Effects of Logging Road Landslide Siltation on Salmon and Trout Spawning Gravels of Stequaleho Creek and Clearwater River 1972-78
1982. F.J. Swanson, G.W. Lienkaemper.
An Investigation of the Limiting Factors to Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon Production and a Plan for Their Restoration
1981. C.E. Dlugokenski, W.H. Bradshaw, and S.R. Hager
Using Historical Record as an Aid to Salmonid Habitat Enhancement
1981. J.R. Sedell, K.J. Luchessa
Life History and Habitat Utilization of Cutthroat Trout in a Headwater Stream on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
1981. J.A.June
Effects of Wynoochee Dam on Anadromous Fish
1980. S.B. Mathews
Cumulative Effects of Logging Road Sediment on Salmon Populations in the Clearwater River
1980. C.J. Cederholm, L.M. Reid, E.O. Salo.
Role of Spring Ponds in the Winter Ecology and Natural Production of Coho Salmon Olympic Peninsula WA
1980. N.P. Peterson
Preferred and Observed Conditions for Sockeye Salmon in Ozette Lake and Its Tributaries, Clallam County, Washington
1979. G.C. Bortleson, N.P. Dion
Effects of Logging Road Landslide Siltation on Salmon and Trout Spawning Gravels of Stequaleho Creek and Clearwater River 1972-78
1979. C.J. Cedarholm, E.O. Salo.
Taxonomy and Distribution of the Bull Trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley), from the American Northwest
1978. T.M. Cavendar
Effects of Landslide Siltation on the Salmon and Trout Resources of Stelqualeho and Clearwater River 1972-75
1978. C.J. Cederholm, L.C. Lestelle, B.G. Edie, D.J. Martin, J.V. Tagart, E.O. Salo.
Commercial Fishery of Willapa Bay Volume I
1977. J.A. Shotwell
Observations on the Effects of Landslide Siltation on Salmon and Trout Resources of the Clearwater River 1972-73
1974. C.J. Cederholm, L.C. Lestelle.
Skookumchuck and Hanaford Creek Fisheries Investigations
1973. E.L. Finn
A Report on Siltation in Stequaleho Creek
1971. G. Deschamps
Bear River Rehabilitation Summary Report
1971. D. Heiser
Energetic Responses of Salmon to Temperature. A Study of Some Thermal Relations in the Physiology and Freshwater Ecology of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerkd)
1971. J.R. Brett
Completion Report by Stream Clearance Unit on MF Satsop, Bingham Creek, WF Wishkah, WF Hoquiam
1955. C. Maib, R. Kramer
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