2019. N. Rasmussen
Coast Digital Library
for the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery RegionLooking for information on a watershed or salmon species in the Washington Coast Region? Enjoy this one-stop-shop with articles, reports, papers, and other documents related to salmon recovery.
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Document list sorted by year and title
Life-History Model for Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Lake Ozette, Northwestern Washington—Users’ Guide
2019. A. Woodward, M. Haggerty, P. Crain
Aquatic and Riparian Ecosystem Recovery from Debris Flows in Two Western WA Streams
2019. A.D. Foster, S.M. Claeson, P.A. Bisson, J. Heimburg
Denitrification Potential in Three Saturated Riparian Buffers
2019. T.A. Groh, M.P. Davis, T.M. Isenhart, D.B. Jaynes, T.B. Parkin
Do the Societal Benefits of River Restoration Outweigh Their Costs? A Cost-benefit Analysis
2019. I. Logar, R. Brouwer, A. Paillex
Who Benefits from National Estuaries? Applying the FEGS Classification System to Identify Ecosystem Services and Their Beneficiaries
2019. S.H. Yee, A. Sullivan, K.C. Williams, K. Winters
Linking Seasonal and Spatial Stream Carbon Dynamics to Landscape Characteristics in Selected Watersheds on the Olympic Peninsula
2019. R. Rautu
Run-type Genetic Markers and Genomic Data Provide Insight for Monitoring Spring-run Chinook Salmon in the Chehalis Basin, Washington
2019. T.Q. Thompson, S.M. O’Rourke, S.K. Brown, T. Seamons, M.S. Zimmerman, M.R. Miller
Extreme Coastal Water Level in Washington State
2019. I.M. Miller, Z. Yang, N. VanArendonk, E. Grossman, G. Mauger, & H. Morgan.
Stream Conditions after 18 Years of Passive Riparian Restoration in Small Fish-bearing Watersheds
2019. K.D. Martens, W.D. Devine, T.V. Minkova, & A.D. Foster.
Chehalis Basin Strategy Aquatic Species Restoration Plan
Economic Contributions of Recreational Fishing
2019. Southwick Associated.
Steelhead at Risk Report: Assessment of Washington’s Steelhead Populations
2018. J. Cram, N. Kendall, A. Marshall, T. Buehrens, T. Seamons, and co-authors
Area Lodging Tax Revenue Spikes
2018. R. Ollikainen
Upper Hoh River Road Project Presentation
Natural Resource Condition Assessment Olympic National Park
2018. R. McCaffery, K. Jenkins
Aligning Dam Removals and Road Culvert Upgrades Boosts Conservation Return-on-Investment
2018. K.B. Fitzpatrick, T.M. Neeson
A Bayesian Life-cycle Model to Estimate Escapement at Maximum Sustained Yield in Salmon Based on Limited Information
2018. J. Ohlberger, S.J. Brenkman, P. Crain, G.R. Pess, J..J. Duda, and co-authors
Thermally Suitable Habitat for Juvenile Salmonids and Resident Trout Under Current and Climate Change Scenarios in the Chehalis River, WA
2018. J.J. Winkowski, M.S. Zimmerman
Appendix A – Absolute Sea Level Methods and Project Tables
2018. I.M. Miller, H. Morgan, G. Mauger, T. Newton, R. Weldon, & co-authors.
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