2015. M.S. Zimmerman, C. Kinsel, E. Beamer, E.J. Connor, & D.E. Pflug.
Coast Digital Library
for the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery RegionLooking for information on a watershed or salmon species in the Washington Coast Region? Enjoy this one-stop-shop with articles, reports, papers, and other documents related to salmon recovery.
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Development and Evaluation of Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for the Physiographic Regions of the United States
2015. K. Bieger, H. Rathjens, P.M. Allen, & J.G. Arnold.
An Economic and Spatial Baseline and Coastal Recreation in Washington
Conceptual Design Memo: Hoh River Restoration Project
Grays Harbor Juvenile Fish Use Assessment – 2013 Annual Report
2014. T. Sandell, J. Fletcher, A. McAninch, M. Wait
Historical and contemporary forces shape genetic variation in the Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi), an endemic fish from Washington State, USA
2014. P.W. DeHaan, B. Adams, R.A. Tabor, D.K. Hawkins, B. Thompson
Anadromy and Residency in Steelhead and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): A Review of the Processes and Patterns
2014. N.W. Kendall, J.R. McMillan, M.R. Sloat, T.W Buehrens, T.P. Quinn, and co-authors
Preliminary Evaluation of the Behavior and Movements of Adult Spring Chinook Salmon in the Chehalis River, Southwestern Washington
2014. T.L. Liedtke, W.R. Hurst, R.G. Tomka, T.J. Kock, M.S. Zimmerman
Calawah Watershed Road Decommissioning Project – Final EA and ND
What’s the Catch? Challenges and Opportunities of the U.S. Fishing Industry
2014. M.S. Kearney, B.H. Harris, B. Hershbein, D. Boddy, L. Parker, K. Di Lucido
Interactive Effects of Climate Change Riparian Management and Nonnative Predators
2014. D.J. Lawrence, B. Stewart-Koster, J.D. Olden, A.S. Ruesch, C.E. Torgersen, & co-authors.
Oregon’s Restoration Economy
2014. C.P. Kellon & T. Hesselgrave.
Measuring Socio-Cultural Values Associated with Salmon in the Quinault Indian Nation
2014. K. Biedenweg, S. Amberson, & J. James.
Lake Ozette Sockeye Brochure
Habitat Intrinsic Potential Modeling of Selected Streams on the Outer Washington Coast for Anadromous Salmonid Fish – Phase II Report
2013. K. Bennett, M. Wecker
Climate Change in the Chehalis River and Grays Harbor Estuary
2013. T. Sandell, A. McAninch
Grays Harbor Juvenile Fish Use Assessment – 2012 Annual Report
2013. T. Sandell, J. Fletcher, A. McAninch, M. Wait
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Washington State
2013. A.K. Snover, G.S. Mauger, L.C. Whitely Binder, M. Krosby, & I. Tohver.
Restoring Salmon Habitat for a Changing Climate
2013. T. Beechie, H. Imaki, J. Greene, A. Wade, H. Wu, & co-authors.
Steelhead Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
2013. A.A. Wade, T.J. Beechie, E Fleishman, N.J. Mantua, H. Wu, & co-authors.
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