2013. J.J. Lawler, B. Spencer, J.D. Olden, S.H. Kim, C. Lowe, & co-authors.
Coast Digital Library
for the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery RegionLooking for information on a watershed or salmon species in the Washington Coast Region? Enjoy this one-stop-shop with articles, reports, papers, and other documents related to salmon recovery.
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Document list sorted by year and title
Washington Coast Sustainable Salmon Plan
Hoh River Salmon Recovery Restoration Priorities for the Middle Hoh Basin RM 17-30
2012. M. Marsh
Resilient Washington State
Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines
2012. M.L. Cramer
Habitat Intrinsic Potential Modeling of Selected Streams on the Outer Washington Coast for Anadromous Salmonid Fish – Phase I Report
2012. K. Bennett, M. Wecker
Watershed Restoration Plan Olympic National Forest Sitkum Watershed
The Floodplain Large-wood Cycle Hypothesis: A Mechanism for the Physical and Biotic Structuring of Temperate Forested Alluvial Valleys in the North Pacific Coastal Ecoregion
2012. B. Collins, D.R. Montgomery, K.L. Fetherston, T.B. Abbe
MOU Upper Hoh River Interagency Working Group
Landscape Response to Climate Change and its Role in Infrastructure Protection and Management at Mount Rainier National Park
2011. S.R. Beason, P.M. Kennard, L.C. Walkup, T.B. Abbe
Genetic Analysis of Steelhead Coho and Chinook from Olympic Peninsula with Emphasis on Hoh River
2011. T.W. Kassler, S. Brenkman, J. Gilbertson, M. Gross, D. Low, A. Spidle
Grays Harbor Juvenile Fish Use Assessment – 2011 Annual Report
2011. T. Sandell, J. Fletcher, T. Buehrens, A. McAninch, M. Wait
Grays Harbor Juvenile Fish Use Assessment – Literature Review Habitat Inventory & Study Plan
2011. T. Sandell, A. McAninch, M. Wait
Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater/Surface-water Interactions in the Chehalis River
2011. A.S. Gendaszek.
Adapting to Climate Change at Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park
2011. J.E. Halofsky, D. L. Peterson, K.A. O’Halloran, C. Hawkins Hoffman
Watershed Restoration Plan for National Forest System Lands within the Calawah River Watershed
Genetic Structure, Evolutionary History, and Conservation Units of Bull Trout in the Coterminous United States
2011. W.R. Ardren, P.W. DeHaan, C.T. Smith, E.B. Taylor, R. Leary, and co-authors
Genetic Population Structure of Olympic Peninsula Bull Trout Populations and Implications for Elwha Dam Removal
2011. P.W. DeHaan, S.J. Brenkman B. Adams, P. Crain
Design Discharge for River Restoration
2011. P.J. Soar & C.R. Thorne.
Scanning the Conservation Horizon
2011. P. Glick, B.A. Stein, & N.A. Edelson.
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