The Fish Barrier Removal Board is committed to fixing high priority fish passage barriers throughout Washington State. The FBRB’s strategy is to fund fish passage replacements in priority watersheds throughout the state. The watersheds were identified by salmon recovery regions based on de-listing priorities, high-priority stocks, and opportunities to improve salmonid populations. Additionally, the FBRB is committed to funding high priority fish passage projects upstream and downstream of previous investments made by state, local, and federal agencies as well as by private parties. All projects must correct a fish passage barrier on a salmon bearing (anadromous) stream and be a barrier to fish as defined by WDFW’s 2019 Fish Passage Barrier and Surface Water Diversion Screening Assessment and Prioritization Manual. Partial or complete fish passage barriers are both eligible; however, total barriers will receive a higher score.
Grant Information
Total Funding Available
$25M (Varies)
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
No Limit (design-only projects $200,000 grant limit)
Average Grant Award
Match Requirement
15% (no match required for planning grants less than or equl to $200,000 if final designs are completed within 2 years of funding approval)
RFP Release
October (biennial)
Pre-application Due
January (biennial)
Final Application Due
May (biennial)
Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB)
Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations, Private Land Owners, Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups, State Agencies, Water/Irrigation Districts
Project Types
Planning, Restoration
Restoration Types
Fish Passage
Geography/Land Ownership
Located in Washington State