Grant Information

Total Funding Available
$250K - $350K
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
Average Grant Award
Match Requirement
50% non-federal, cash or in-kind contributions (waived for tribal applicants)
RFP Release
October (annual)
Pre-application Due
Final Application Due
December (annual)

Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership

The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) is one of 20 regional fish habitat partnerships in the United States. Its mission is to provide science, data, and funding to conserve and restore West Coast nearshore and estuarine fish habitat. PMEP supports estuarine and nearshore marine fish habitat restoration and assessment projects through the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP).

Projects considered for funding should address science-based habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement activities that benefit fish habitat in PMEP’s geographic scope. PMEP funding may be used to pay for a small habitat restoration or protection project or parts of a larger project. PMEP funding can be used for all phases of a project, from feasibility to post-construction monitoring. However, projects that involve on-the-ground implementation will be more competitive. PMEP will fund assessment projects that fill data gaps identified for estuary and nearshore marine fish habitats in its region. PMEP encourages projects that assess the effectiveness of restoration techniques. The ACE Act allows a state, local government, or other non-federal entity to receive NFHP funds for the acquisition of real property or protective easements involving willing sellers if the acquisition ensures public access for fish and wildlife-dependent recreation or contributes a scientifically based, direct enhancement to the health of fish and fish populations as determined by the NFHP Board. Acquisition projects will be evaluated using the same criteria as restoration projects and must address PMEP priorities.

Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Educational Institutions, Federal Agencies, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations, Private Land Owners, Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups, Small Forest Landowners, State Agencies
Project Types
Planning, Acquisition, Restoration, Conservation
Restoration Types
Geography/Land Ownership
Estuarine and nearshore habitats on the West Coast.