The principal objective of NOAA’s Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Notice of Funding Opportunity is to provide federal financial and technical assistance to fish passage through the removal of dams and other in-stream barriers for native migratory or sea-run fish. Funding will be used for fish passage that rebuilds productive and sustainable fisheries, contributes to the recovery and conservation of threatened and endangered species, enhances watershed health, promotes resilient ecosystems and communities, especially in underserved communities, and improves economic vitality, including local employment.
Applicants should address the following set of program priorities: 1) achieving measurable and lasting benefits for migratory fish populations; 2) fostering regionally important habitat restoration; 3) enhancing community resilience to climate hazards, and providing other co-benefits; and 4) providing benefit to and engaging with underserved communities, including through partnerships with Indian tribes and other indigenous communities.
Proposals may include multiple locations throughout a watershed or other geographic area, and should demonstrate how multiple locations collectively contribute to priorities within the watershed or geographic area.