
For the Washington Coast Region

In the News

 *** New Release!!!***

2023 Annual Report

Learn more about our collective and ongoing work to sustain salmon and steelhead runs across the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery Region. Inside you will find the latest information on:

  • Constructing Fish Passage
  • Restoration with Wood
  • Coastal Science
  • Strong Salmon Future

Read more here.

 *** New Release!!!***

Salmon Restoration and Resilience in a Changing Climate

How do we restore what has been degraded in the past AND provide resilience to future change? In March 2023, we released a reference guide to help answer this question. The guide includes:

  • Primary climate-driven impacts that threaten salmonid habitat,
  • A description of how salmonids will be affected,
  • Projected changes for coastal watersheds, and
  • Recommended habitat restoration and protection actions to mitigate and/or adapt to the changing climate

Read more and explore our interactive web map for current information on climate and restoration science and their applications for the Washington coast.

Coast Digital Library

Looking for information on a watershed or salmon species in the Washington Coast Region? We can help you find what you are looking for. Enjoy this one-stop-shop with articles, reports, papers, and other documents related to salmon recovery.

This library is a work in progress, and we want it to be useful to you. Don’t see what you are looking for?  Contact us to communicate your requests or submit documents.

Access the library here

Maps & Tools

Maps are a helpful tool to visualize information. The Washington Coast Region uses web map applications to visualize information used in restoration planning such as culverts, fish distributions, monitoring locations, and climate change predictions. These maps combine publically available information to facilitate planning focused on specific topics or geographies. Click on a project below to learn more.

Climate Adaptation for Habitat Restoration

Restoration Priorities for the Calawah Pilot Watershed

Restoration Priorities for the Newaukum Pilot Watershed (Wood, Riparian)

Olympic Peninsula Fish Barrier Culvert Prioritization

Chehalis Basin Fish Barrier Culvert Prioritization

Willapa Bay Fish Barrier Culvert Prioritization

Washington Coast Stream Temperature Monitoring Locations

SSHEAR Site Browser Web Application (Salmonid Screening Habitat Enhancement & Restoration)

Coastal Washington Splash Dam and Stream Cleanout Inventory